Friday, August 7, 2015

Preschool fun, outside fun

 We had a lot of fun doing a Despicable Me preschool lesson. The kids loved painting with q tips and coloring minions.

 Kids got a fun new slide for the backyard! They play so nice by themselves out there at night now. It is a big relief for me. The hardest hour is dinner and the wildness after so it's nice they like the backyard so much. Their other favorite thing is to get water from the fridge and pour it on the concrete. They did that for an hour yesterday! Evie can finally reach the water button so they had a blast with that. Feel bad we are wasting water but it is also very entertaining for them.

 Layla is such a cutie. She is always on her tummy. Andrew and Evie hated tummy time so it's funny she likes it so much. She even likes it on the grass. I thought the pokey grass would bug her but she just tried eating it and had fun.

 Her new favorite "toy" is fruit snacks. She loves the crinkly wrapper sounds haha.
 Hershey park has been fun this week. I did the water park and pool with the kids and then let them go on rides. It's exhausting by myself but also fun.

Brandon is working tonight and half the day tomorrow for his big long shift. We are going to have some friends come over and do a pizza and movie night on our big screen so that is going to be fun! Her husband is also working a late shift so it works out great. I moved Evie's toddler bed into Andrew's room to have them start sharing so that has been a big new change. They laughed and played until 10:00 last night! But finally went to bed. Don't know if that is going to work out so well but we will keep trying. Layla slept so well in Evie's nice crib so I just want Evie to move into the toddler bed for good but she has been so resistant. Moving to Andrew's room was fun for her though she thought that was awesome.